Training pilots since 1972

Multi Engine Rating


Multi engine rating

Ready to double your horsepower? The Multi Engine Rating allows you to command a multi engine aircraft and is a requirement for most pilot employment opportunities. The training consists of approximately 10 to 12 hours in our Piper Twin Comanche and some training sessions in our simulator. There is no written exam or minimum TC required time.

**The Multi-engine course qualifies for student aid. You can get up to $15,000 in student loans for the multi engine course alone.

Apply here. <——-

Jordan Slemko @slem23 after crushing his flight test

Jordan Slemko @slem23 after crushing his flight test


Estimated Cost

*Times quoted are the minimum required. Actual times are subject to student ability and effort.


  • Dual PA30 - 7 hours $2786.00

  • Simulator - 3 hours $405.00

  • Ground Brief - 7 hours $511.00

  • Flight Test - 1.5 hour solo $488.50

Total Tuition $4190.50

* Plus applicable taxes. Rates are wet: include fuel.
*Rates are current as of 2023-JUL-15 and are subject to change without prior notice.

Books and Supplies (Student Supplied)

Textbook: Sharper Edge Multi-Engine Preparation Guide $79.95
Pilot Operating Handbook $30.00
Total Supplies (approx.) $110.00

* Plus applicable taxes
* Students are required to supply their own pilot equipment (headset, kneeboard, timepiece, etc.)
* Books and Supplies can be purchased directly from any aviation supply shop or through the flying club

Other fees (not payable to Namao)

Flight Test Examiner Fee (approx.) $350.00
Transport Canada Rating Application Fee $30.00
Written Examination Fee N/A

Other Information

Transport Canada CARs Reference 421.38 (3) - Multi Engine Rating
Transport Canada Multi Engine Flight Test Guide